Tutorial for Collection of Second Stage Airdrop Rewards

Dec 30, 2021


Congratulations to the top three players that reached highest scores:

  1. 0x0B9c3AeA9*****C543db544 — — — — 1030
  2. 0x799946Dfa*****194486e3BE — — — — 930
  3. 0x8e98482c1*****5809D35F70 — — — — 500

To collect your rewards log in to AuroraFS dashboard and click “Accounting”

Click “Private key”

Copy “Private key”

Open your wallet and click on the menu bar on the left

Click on the triangle symbol below

Click “Import an Account”

Paste your Private key and click “Import”

Click “Import Tokens”

Enter the Contract address 0xe7FD8EeCda2842F64CA39b158b7579166f94977c
and click “Import”

To view the airdrop account balance, click “Send”

Enter your wallet address and click “Next”

Enter the amount and click “Next”

Click “Send”

Thank you for your participation.

Gauss Aurora Lab
Gold Coast, Australia, 2021




AuroraFS is a blockchain-based, high-performance global peer-to-peer file system with authorised access control.